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Request to Address the Board

Policy 0169.1

To address the board, please email the board with your name, address, phone number, and email address along with the topic you would like to address. Please attach any supporting materials to be shared with the board and turn in to the treasurer upon arrival at the meeting.

I request to speak during the public participation portion of the board meeting. I will have the ability to address those present, but understand that this will not be a question and answer format and will adhere to the terms of the policy.

Please email one of the following board members with your request to address the board:

Ron Winkler, President

Greg Schumacher, Vice-president

Sarah Smith, Member

Bev Anderson, Member

Jerry Gust, Member



Public Participation Form

When recognized by the presiding officer, public comments, and observations regarding non-agenda items will be considered. Persons wishing to address the Board on other than action items must indicate such. To do this, one must complete the Request to Address the Board Form prior to the start of the board meeting and turn into the district treasurer. No personal attacks, reference to employees or personnel issues permitted. Each individual will be allotted no more than five minutes if item cannot be addressed in five minutes please provide information in writing. Since no action can be taken by the Board at this meeting, the item may be place don a future agenda for further consideration.